We strongly believe that we should conduct our rental business in a manner consistent with the protection of our Tenant’s rights. Part of meeting that objective and of keeping our relationship as problem-free as possible involves making sure that Tenants are fully aware of both their rights and their responsibilities. Our web site helps give our Tenants and other interested parties the tools and information that can help prevent problems. The most relevant laws relating to Landlords and Tenants, The Virginia Landlord and Tenant Law, can be found at http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacodepopularnames/virginia-residential-landlord-and-tenant-act/
Should this reference no longer bring up the appropriate information, please contact us and we will find another suitable site where you can access the information directly. We also maintain a copy of the law in the lobby of our office.
We strive very hard to please our Tenants; only on very rare occasions have we been unable to do so. To date those occasions have all resulted when the Tenant had ulterior motives, i.e., the Tenant wanted to simply break the lease due to changed financial circumstances (loss of job, divorce or separation, even the purchase of a new house). We do realize that circumstances change and we are quite willing to work together to help find a suitable replacement tenant. Most Landlords will act in a similar manner if given the opportunity. Information from our site can be useful for any landlord/tenant situation, not just for our own Tenants. If you should truly believe that you have a legitimate grievance that has not been addressed after appropriate notice to the Landlord, do not stop paying rent; rather pay your rent into escrow in a timely manner as provided for by § 55-248.27 of the Virginia Landlord and Tenant Law.
Another commonly misunderstood provision of the law involves renewal and extension of leases. Many leases contain automatic renewal clauses. We make every attempt to give our Tenants notice prior to the renewal date, but this is a courtesy not extended by all Landlords and not required by law. You should read your lease carefully to make sure that any such renewal does not catch you by surprise. Leases do not automatically revert to month-to-month leases unless the lease specifically contains that language. Refusal or failure to sign a lease does not invalidate that lease if you still living in the property after the date of the renewal, whether or not that renewal is automatic.
Please find additional tenant documents below: